Seasonal Cleanup


Seasonal Clean Up

Good news. Our company provides the best Seasonal Clean Ups. We are prepared to suit your desires the entire year ; Weather its spring, summer, autumn, or winter time we’re here to help.

Different Season Clean Up :

Spring clean up usually begins in mid March and ends at the end of April. The process begins with picking up any sticks twigs and branches greater than the thickness of your finger and dispose. We cut back any ornamental grasses, prune back hydrangeas, roses, and any other plants required to be pruned or maintained during this time. We blow any debris out of the beds onto open lawn areas where it can easily be managed. We then thatch the lawn with a mechanical thatching machine. This machine will help to easily loosen up the build up of twigs, leaves, acorns, and excessive dead grass that has accumulated above the soil line. We are then able to hard blow the lawn with backpack blowers and collect the remaining debris into piles. After loading the debris onto our truck we then mow all lawn areas, trim the edges, and blow off all the hardscape areas.

Autumn cleanups take place just before Thanksgiving and to be finished before Christmas. This clean up consists of collecting all sticks, twigs, branches and leaves greater than the width of your finger, and dispose. Next we cut back any perennials that have gone by. We then clean out all of the beds around the foundation and throughout the yard onto open lawn areas. This process is done either by raking and/or blowing the debris with a backpack blower.

We collect the heaviest of debris by a tarp or barrel. Once the beds are clean we then use the mower to not only mow but to also vacuum up as much of the remaining debris that is left. If the mowing process does not meet our standards for the way the lawn should look, then we hard blow the debris out of the lawn with backpack blowers. This ensures the maximum amount of debris that has either fallen and/or blown into your yard is now removed from the lawns surface.


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office: 702-832-6293
Mario Perez Cell: 702-410-3678

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